Will the world’s unrelenting population explosion be the death of us all?

What Will the Impact Be of Uncontrolled Population Growth and Immigration?

Nadeem Azam


A while back I went to a talk by the novelist Kazuo Ishiguro and he was bemoaning the fact that, even though he was raised in Surrey, England, and knew next to nothing about current affairs in Japan, because of his name, visage and ancestry, whenever anything newsworthy happened in Japan, journalists would harass him for his insights!

A name such as “Nadeem Azam” is a liability in contemporary Britain, in which every day I am subjected to questions such as “where are you from?” and appraisals such as “you speak good English”, but when journalists want to reach out to somebody to be interviewed on, say, the Iranian nuclear deal or Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s jiggery pokery, I get the feeling it helps!

We’ve recently marked “World Population Day” and below is an interview with me in the daily newspaper “Gulf News”, in which I share my tuppence (“two cents” for my Stateside friends) on the population explosion in Dubai since the 1970s and the advantages and disadvantages of the emirate having an 83 percent foreign-born population.

Gulf News” is the most widely read website in English in the Middle East. It enjoys a combined print and online audience of 5.4 million uniques every month.

Print Edition:

Click here to see the interview with Nadeem in the print edition of the Middle East's most popular newspaper (PDF file)
Click here to see the interview with Nadeem in the print edition of the Middle East's most popular newspaper (PDF file)

Web Edition:

Click here to read this interview with Nadeem in a larger size
Click here to read this interview with Nadeem in a larger size

On a small mobile screen, you may not be able to read the interview in the above images, so here it is:

“Nadeem Azam, CEO, Azam Marketing and Middle East Analyst and Marketing Expert, told Gulf News that large cities such as Dubai must prepare for the future growth of urban centres.

“Population growth predictions show the population of Dubai will reach over five million by 2027, which is almost a doubling in the current number of residents. Such a significant rate of population growth can lead to a variety of issues. Most notable is the construction and maintenance of infrastructure. Housing obviously has to be provided for a booming population and this can prove to be challenging particularly in already-tightly-packed cities with limited space.,” he said.

“A tighter concentration of people, physical assets, infrastructure and economic activities can result in challenges and upheavals that can have negative repercussions, particularly over the medium-long term.”

According to the World Migration Report 2015, Dubai has the highest foreign-born population in major cities globally with 83 per cent of the emirate comprising residents from other countries.

Aazam [sic] said “a sizeable foreign-born population invariably has a profound impact on a place. On the positive side, an increasingly cosmopolitan make-up can be tremendously valuable to a location by bringing in fresh ideas, and more and wider skillsets. These benefit the host locality in terms of improving services and facilities available to existing residents, the private sector and the public sector, ranging from neurosurgeons to operate on patients to chefs introducing new kinds of cuisines to people.”

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Nadeem Azam

Entrepreneur and writer. Driven over $1 billion in sales. Published in national press, as well as several magazines and journals. Blogs at http://www.azam.info